
Cloud and server

Stuck Stacks, the 7 year itch and the DevOps dilemma

by Mark Baker on 28 June 2017

  7 years in, where do we go from here? It is 7 years since OpenStack came into being. 7 short years comprised of long days and late nights bringing it all...

Cloud and server

OpenStack and Containers live Q&A session

by Alexia Emmanoulopoulou on 20 June 2017

Join us for a 1 hour online session with a cloud expert OpenStack and Containers Office Hours are online Q&A sessions held on an ongoing basis. Their aim is...

Cloud and server
Cloud and server

Webinar: Get cloud-ready servers in minutes with MAAS

by Canonical on 22 February 2017

Learn how to take full advantage of existing hardware investments by maximising hardware efficiency. This live webinar was broadcasted on Wednesday 15th Mach...

Cloud and server

Webinar: Getting started with the Canonical Distribution of Kubernetes

by Cezzaine Zaher on 10 February 2017

Discover the simplest and easiest way to stand up and operate a Kubernetes cluster in AWS. Watch our webinar! The Canonical Distribution of Kubernetes is a...

Internet of Things

48% of people unaware their IoT devices pose a security threat

by Canonical on 30 January 2017

LONDON, U.K. – 30 January, 2017 – Nearly half (48%) of citizens remain unaware that their connected devices could be infiltrated and used to conduct a cyber...

Cloud and server

Join our OpenStack and Containers Office Hours

by Tom Callway on 4 January 2017

Sign-up for a 1 hour web session with an expert from Canonical Starting in 2017, we will be running a series of ‘Office Hours’ online sessions to help...

Internet of Things

Research: Consumers are terrible at updating their connected devices

by Thibaut Rouffineau on 15 December 2016

Many developers and manufacturers of IoT connected devices will know that consumers are bad at updating the firmware on their connected devices, and that this...

Cloud and server

Webinar: Running an enterprise-grade OpenStack without the headaches

by Tom Callway on 7 December 2016

Watch Webinar On-demand In Canonical’s latest on-demand webinar, we explore how to build and manage highly scalable OpenStack clouds with BootStack on a...

Cloud and server

Webinar: Secure, scale and simplify your OpenStack deployments

by Ellen Arnold on 11 November 2016

In our latest on-demand webinar, we explore how we can build and manage highly scalable OpenStack clouds with BootStack, Juju and PLUMgrid. Arturo Suarez,...

Cloud and server

Webinar: Deploying Microsoft technologies on OpenStack

by Canonical on 31 October 2016

Watch On Demand In this webinar we explore the common challenges organisations face in deploying and managing Windows workloads at scale on OpenStack. We look...

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