Building cost-efficient open source cloud operations

As the cloud computing market grows, more organisations are moving towards cloud-native technologies. Open source, being a major component of this era, has helped in reducing costs and accelerating innovation. However, with the ever-growing adoption of these technologies, it is apparent that the added layers of complexity have become the biggest source of friction opposing digital transformation. Hiring for niche skills is becoming even more challenging as the global skill gap widens.

IT Operations: efficiency vs digital transformation

On average, 55% of IT budgets are spent on operations, keeping the lights on. Organisations are constantly trying to find the right balance between running efficient operations and exploring the new possibilities of digital transformation. And as more organisations move towards the cloud, many missed expectations occur. But how can an organisation build the right strategy to minimise the skill gap and spend less on operations while increasing efficiency and innovation?

In this session, we will discuss

  • The business perspective behind digital transformation
  • The challenges associated with open source solutions like OpenStack & Kubernetes
  • How to categorise your IT activities and gain control of your IT budget
  • How to structure a business-centric IT organisation that focuses on innovation rather than keeping the lights on