maverick meerkat


New t-shirts

by Marcus Haslam on 1 October 2010

The new Maverick Meerkat and Natty Narwhal t-shirt delivery came in this morning, looking tip top I have to say. Check out the MM on the shop site in mens and...


This week in design – 10 September 2010

by Canonical on 10 September 2010

I don’t want to sound like a broken record but “PHEW! What a week”. Next Thursday will be our final freeze for Maverick. After this point it’s full steam...


Meerkats like the sun?!

by Canonical on 9 September 2010

Today I got another e-mail from a statue. There’s a perfectly normal sentence … This time from a beach where Rick says he’s having an amazing time relaxing...


In Brazil?!

by Canonical on 3 September 2010

Came in this morning to a mail from Rick, my Meerkat who went for a walk a little while ago. Apparently he was giving a keynote at Linuxcon!! More as I get it


Happy Beta day everyone!

by Canonical on 2 September 2010

Happy Beta Release day one and all. If you’ve not yet upgraded surely now’s the time



by Canonical on 27 August 2010

105 papercut bugs have been fixed in Maverick already! Read on to find out how you can help us clear even more.


by Mark Shuttleworth on 20 August 2010

Here’s a way to show off your movie-making creative skills AND promote whatever you think the coolest things in 10.10 are: make a Maverick Movie!


Gone for a walk?!

by Canonical on 16 August 2010

My new friend has gone missing! Have you seen Rick?


My new friend

by Canonical on 13 August 2010

Very kindly donated to me by Ale on the design team here at Canonical. Maverick, Rick for short, sits proudly on my desk. He joins the lovely plush Lynx from...


60 and still going strong!

by Canonical on 9 August 2010

We hit another important milestone today! Find out what pesky papercuts have been resolved!