
Cloud and server
Cloud and server
Cloud and server

Tutorial: Install single-server OpenStack with conjure-up

by David Callé on 2 February 2018

OpenStack is the de facto open source standard to build private and public clouds. We believe deploying and getting familiar with OpenStack should be an easy...

Cloud and server

Monitor your Kubernetes Cluster

by Kevin W Monroe on 16 January 2018

This article originally appeared on Kevin Monroe’s blog Keeping an eye on logs and metrics is a necessary evil for cluster admins. The benefits are clear:...

Cloud and server

Heptio Contour on the Canonical Distribution of Kubernetes

by Konstantinos Tsakalozos on 1 November 2017

I read the Hacker News post Heptio Contour and I thought “Cool! A project from our friends at Heptio, lets see what they got for us”. I wont lie to you, at...

Cloud and server

Glowing Bear and Weechat in Kubernetes with Helm

by Canonical on 26 October 2017

This article originally appeared on Mike Wilson’s blog Having a renewed interest in irc again, I found that the best option to stay in touch is to...

Cloud and server

OpenStack Development Summary – October 13, 2017

by James Page on 13 October 2017

Welcome to the seventh Ubuntu OpenStack development summary! This summary is intended to be a regular communication of activities and plans happening in and...

Cloud and server

Kubernetes the not so easy way

by Michael Iatrou on 12 October 2017

A few years ago, the simplest method to deploy and operate Kubernetes on Ubuntu was with conjure-up. Whether the substrate is a public cloud (AWS, Azure, GCP,...

Cloud and server

conjure-up dev summary: you like LXD? we like LXD. Put your floaties on and step up to the Helm!

by Adam Stokes on 26 August 2017

LXDWe’ve taken some preliminary steps in providing the user better feedback when wanting to deploy onto the localhost provider. If conjure-up isn’t able to...

Cloud and server

Conjure-up dev summary: Week 25

by Adam Stokes on 26 June 2017

With conjure-up 2.2.2 out the door we bring a whole host of improvements!sudo snap install conjure-up --classic Improved LocalhostWe recently switched over...

Cloud and server
Cloud and server

Deploying The Canonical Distribution of Kubernetes onto AWS

by James Donner on 27 January 2017

  This week, we announced the availability of release 1.5.2 of The Canonical Distribution of Kubernetes. This is a pure upstream kubernetes developed in...

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