Infographic: LXD Machine containers from Ubuntu
Alexia Emmanoulopoulou
on 23 September 2015
Tags: containers , docker , LXD
LXD (pronounced “lex-dee”) is a container hypervisor from Ubuntu. LXD containers look and act like virtual machines, but have the lightweight performance and scalability of process containers. You can use LXD on its own to deploy traditional workload applications, or you can use Docker containers inside LXD containers to get the best of both technologies.
The infographic below introduces the basic facts about LXD, provides figures on LXD performance, explains how LXD and Docker work together and offers applications of LXD in your business.
Download datasheet OR Install LXD using the command line tool ›
What’s the risk of unsolved vulnerabilities in Docker images?
Recent surveys found that many popular containers had known vulnerabilities. Container images provenance is critical for a secure software supply chain in production. Benefit from Canonical’s security expertise with the LTS Docker images portfolio, a curated set of application images, free of vulnerabilities, with a 24/7 commitment.